March 23, 2025 pm What Do You Desire Missionary Nathanael Wasson
DownloadDoctrinal Statement: We are an independent, fundamental Baptist
Church. We believe:
I. Concerning the Scriptures:
A. We believe the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God.
B. We believe the Bible is the divinely preserved Word of God
through the King James Bible.
C. We believe the Bible is complete in scope and perfect in
it’s nature. Nothing is to be added, subtracted, improved
or changed.
D. We believe the Bible is the sole and final authority for
faith and practice.
II. Concerning the True God.
A. God exists eternally in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy
B. God is the Creator and Sustainer of all creation.
C. God is the Sovereign Ruler and Judge over all His creation.
III. Concerning the Lord Jesus Christ
A. We believe that Jesus is the virgin born Son of God. He is
God the Son.
B. We believe that Christ is the Saviour of Man.
He is the sinless, Son of God Who came to this earth
to become our substitute on the cross for the payment
of our sin debt. His death, burial and resurrection was
the finished work that satisfied the justice of God and
became the way of salvation to “Whosoever will.”
C. We believe that Christ became the mediator between God
and man, the Head of the church, the Bridegroom Who
will come again for His Bride and will Judge this world.
IV. Concerning the Holy Spirit
A. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person
of the God-Head.
B. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells the believer,
seals the believer, convicts, teaches, illuminates, calls,
equips the believer in this present age.
C. We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of
of sin, righteousness and judgment to come.
V. Concerning Man
A. We believe that man was created in the image and
Likeness of God.
B. We believe that Adam live in a perfect and sinless
environment, yet through Eve chose to sin. This lead
to the judgment of God casting them out of the
garden of Eden.
C. We believe that God’s judgment came by what we
call the fall or the curse of sin upon all creation.
That sin passed upon all generations from that time
forward. Man has a depraved nature. We are born in
trespasses and sin.
D. We believe that God designed a plan for man before
the foundations of the world to redeem us from our
sin. Jesus Christ would become the payment of our
sin. We are to repent and trust Christ for our forgiveness
and our salvation.
E. We believe for the person who has trusted Christ as their
Saviour, we are eternally secure in Christ.
VI. Concerning the Eternal State
A. We believe that there is a literal Heaven that the redeemed
will spend eternity with God, and that there is a literal
Hell for all those that have rejected or neglected Christ
that is a place of eternity and torment.
B. We believe that there is a bodily resurrection. The saved
to be judged by Christ at the Judgment Seat of Christ,
the lost to the White Throne judgment of God to be
cast into the lake of fire.
VII. Concerning Salvation.
A. We believe that man is separated from God because
of his sin. We are spiritually dead.
B. We believe that Christ came to this world to pay the
price of man’s sin through His death, burial and
C. We believe that “whosoever will may come to
Christ to be saved. We reject the Calvinist
view of salvation.
VIII. Concerning the Church
A. We believe that God has ordained the church to be
His institution to carry forth His commission, preach
God’s Word, carry forth the ordinances of baptism and
the Lord’s table communion.
B. We believe that the church is a local assembly of
born again, Scriptually baptized believers that have
covenanted together to obey Christ and His Word.
C. We believe that there are two Scriptual offices of the
church: Pastor and deacons.
D. We believe that the Church is to be independent from
outside denominations or any other controlling
organizations. It is to be local Pastor lead, a congregational
body that makes the decisions from the membership.
IX. Concerning Separation
A. We believe that the believer is to be an example in this
world to show forth the Holiness of God by taking a
separated stand and life before this world.
B. We believe that separation is in personal conduct, dress,
testimony and also from the apostasy of this world
and other churches that do not believe the Word of God
or take separated stands in music and other ungodly
X. Concerning God’s Plan for the Ages
A. We believe in the dispensational understanding
of the Scriptures.
B. We believe in the Rapture of the church, seven
year tribulation period and the second coming
of Christ to set up His millennial kingdom.
This list is not meant to be a complete list of all of our
beliefs, but a desire to clearly show who we are as a church.
If there are any questions on any subject we would be glad to
answer for you.