March 23, 2025 pm What Do You Desire Missionary Nathanael Wasson
DownloadWelcome to the OBT Youth group page.
The youth ministry here at OBT is a place where any teen, no matter what their circumstance or background, can grow. Our goal is to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and they can see clearly how Jesus can make a difference in our lives both spiritually and physically.
Here are just a few parts of the OBT Youth program that teens can grow through:
Teaching and preaching in a way that makes the Bible real, enjoyable, and shows how Jesus intends for us to use it in our own lives.
Many enjoyable activities, trips, and games.
Taking part of several opportunities to be trained and involved in ministry themselves.
9:45 am Sunday School – Biblical teaching from God’s Word. You will often find us going through different series such as: books of the Bible, studies of Biblical characters, or making doctrines of the Bible better understood.
11:00 am Morning service – Each Sunday morning the teens take over one section of the auditorium. It’s a great chance to sit together with our church family and listen as Pastor Decker preaches.
Teens alternate between being helpers in the Kings Kids program and being in the auditorium where they are fed solid Bible messages to help them progress into an adult Christian walk.
Other events:
Activities – Each month we have a minimum of one activity, most months involve two. They range from a simple get-together where we play large outdoor games and go out for fast food; to day trips to Des Moines or other destinations.
Overnight trips – At least two to three time a year we go to different overnight retreats and conferences. Always a great time.
Youth Rallies – We enjoy a few opportunities to go to other churches as they host teen rallies. This year we had a blast and hosted our own (including laser tag). We look forward to next year’s.
Camp & TBT – Each of these high energy events are the highlight of the year for teen activities. Each year we go to teen camp for a week. It is a wonderful time for our teens to be together, have a memorable time and get spiritually charged. We can never get enough!! Next to camp, we always anticipate Temple Bible Time (TBT) for teens. Six evenings of meeting together for high adventure lessons, games, prizes, fellowship, and let’s not forget “Destination Unknown” on Thursday night. Both are two weeks you never want to miss.
Check out our OBT Youth and Teen Events page for more teen updates and information.
Events –